Sunday, July 12, 2015

Some medical facts to have in mind:

A temperature of 101 degrees in an adult means you are sick. 104 degrees you are very sick, and need to see someone.

Symptoms are common, and many diseases have the same symptoms. But if you have symptoms and SIGNS, then see your doctor if they persist. For example, mild chest pain can be many things, and might be just indigestion. But if associated with pain down your left arm, it is usually more serious. Abdominal pain might be gas, but if you have a temperature of 101 also, then you need to see a doctor. Swelling of your leg is common, but if associated with the SIGN of redness and pain, it might be thrombophlebitis. Cloudy urine might be normal (e.g. vaginal discharge might cause this) but if there is associated burning, you have an infection.

Aspirin is good for fever, as is Ibuprofen. Tylenol is good for fever, and also for pain. Aspirin and Ibuprofen are good for inflammation, Tylenol more for pain. You can take Aspirin for mild pain, and if it does not work in 30 minutes or so, you can add Tylenol. But don't take Aspirin and Ibuprofen together. Aspirin and Ibuprofen can upset the stomach and cause indigestion.

A sprain will go away; a fracture will continue to cause pain. If you have an injury that persists, see your doctor. This can be said for just about any injury or disease - if it doesn't go away, have it evaluated.

Infections should not be treated by steroids. For instance, if you have a skin infection, don't put a steroid cream on it. It will make it worse. Steroids can be used for inflammation, but not if a wound is infected.

Vaginal odors usually mean infection, and should be evaluated.

A cold or cough with green or yellow sputum should be evaluated and probably treated with an antibiotic.

Menstrual pain usually can be alleviated with oral contraceptives. After 3 months on OC's if the pain is still there, it should be evaluated.

If you are not sure if a condition is an emergency, err on the side of safety and seek medical advice. And always use common sense.
Antibiotics are useless for viral infections. Don't ask for antibiotics--but if you have an infection, and your doctor prescribes antibiotics, TAKE THEM AS DIRECTED.

Don't suddenly discontinue a prescribed medicine without discussing the decision with your doctor.

Scalp wounds, even minor ones, bleed copiously. Yes, stop the bleeding, and seek medical attention if necessary, but don't panic.

Most doctors are not money-grubbing fiends after all your cash. 

And yes Homeopathy is useless.


In case of injury apply ice to control the bleeding as well as the resulting tissue swelling. Fresh injuries should never be given Heat therapy.
After a burn pour cold water on the area to cool it and control further damage to tissues.
If you hit your finger nail while hammering a nail then immerse it into ice to control pain and bleeding before you see a doctor.
Do not try to control pus by simply having antibiotics. Pus anywhere has to be incised and drained and not just suppressed with antibiotics. If you try to suppress it with antibiotics only then it results in a condition called Antibioma which is difficult to treat and becomes a chronic indurated mass which might at times suppurate. 
Sore throat is best treated with Warm Saline Gargles.
If you break a bone immediately try to immobilze the limb on a wooden splint in order to prevent any abnormal movement of the broken limb and avoid further bleeding, injury to surrounding tissues by bone splinters and to relieve pain. Then you should move the patient to doctor. Avoid any tight constricting bandages which might obstruct the blood flow to the distal limb.
Nails of the toes have to be cut straight and not rounded off at the corners to avoid developing Ingrowing Toe Nail.
In high grade fever or Sunstroke apply cold sponges on the body to reduce the temperature before proper medical help arrives. Even a cold water bath can be given to prevent very high body temperature and its complications.
If you suffer from Diarrhoea - keep drinking large amounts of water mixed with some sugar and salt and a dash of lemon till IV fluids are started.

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